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Written by
Martin Petkov
Published on
January 9, 2025

What Is A Blockchain RPC Node - Everything You Need To Know

Learn about blockchain RPC nodes: what they are, how they work, their types, key functions, providers, and security considerations in this detailed guide.

Table of Contents

Ever wonder how a crypto wallet magically talks to a blockchain network spread across thousands of computers worldwide? 

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about what a Blockchain RPC node is, its key functions, types, and providers. 

First, let’s understand what RPC means and what RPC protocols are.

What is an RPC protocol, and what does RPC stand for?

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol that enables applications to request services—such as login verification, file downloads, or database queries—from programs on other computers. 

An RPC allows one program (the client) to communicate with another (the server) and execute code. When a client makes an RPC call, the request travels over the network to an RPC server, which processes it and returns a response.

How is this relevant to blockchain?

RPC blockchain nodes explained

What is an RPC node?

In distributed systems like blockchains, an RPC node is a server that provides an interface for applications to interact with the network. It allows decentralized applications (dApps) and other clients to communicate with the blockchain using one or multiple nodes, to query blockchain data, and send transactions.

RPC nodes vs validator nodes

RPC nodes provide access to data access and submit transactions. Validator nodes, on the other hand, participate in consensus and block validation, and are crucial for maintaining the blockchain state, specifically for proof-of-stake-based networks. A node can be both a validator node and an RPC node, it can also just be an RPC node or a validator node. 

What complicates things is that naming conventions also differ across networks. 

Types of nodes on Bitcoin and Ethereum

Bitcoin and Ethereum nodes are critical to maintaining their respective blockchain networks. Each has unique node types tailored to their architectures, offering varying functionalities and resource requirements.

Bitcoin nodes

  1. Full nodes: Validate transactions and blocks, store the entire history and state of the blockchain, and relay data to the network.
  2. Archival nodes: A subset of full nodes, they also accept incoming connections and upload old blocks to other peers on the network.
  3. Mining nodes: Solve cryptographic puzzles to create new blocks and secure the network. A full node can also be a mining node, and a mining node must be at least a full node.
  4. Pruned nodes: Function like full nodes but save storage by deleting older blockchain data after verification.
  5. Light nodes: Use simplified payment verification (SPV) to verify transactions, relying on full nodes for data.

Ethereum nodes

  1. Full nodes: Validate blocks and states, store recent blockchain data, and can regenerate older states on demand. Unlike a Bitcoin full node, they do not have to maintain the entire history of the blockchain.
  2. Archive nodes: Retain all blockchain history, making them valuable for analytics and querying historical data.
  3. Light nodes: Download only block headers and request additional data from full nodes, enabling efficient participation without high resource demands.

While Bitcoin's "full nodes" are analogous to Ethereum's "archive nodes," Ethereum's "full nodes" periodically prune data, aligning more closely with Bitcoin's "pruned nodes." Both networks offer diverse options, accommodating varying user needs and technical capabilities.

A table comparing the roles and functions of different node types in Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains.

RPC node components

Each RPC node is made of different components, some are standard, some depend on the provider (more on providers later):

Request Decoder: It interprets and validates incoming requests, extracts key details, and standardizes them for processing. It ensures correct formatting for internal handling.

Router: It directs all incoming requests within an RPC node, optimizing their communication pathways to the Core Engine. Thus, it ensures responses reach the correct client.

Examples: Libp2p, Polkadot's message queue  

Response Encoder: It formats, compresses, and finalizes processed results into readable outputs (e.g., JSON or XML). It then sends the response to the Client Handler for delivery.

Example decoders/encoders: Ethereum - JSON-RPC server, Bitcoin - JSON-RPC server (Bitcoin Core)

This diagram illustrates the full journey from request to response, showing how the RPC node moves from the client handler to the response encoder. The Core Engine is external to this flow (though the line passes through it in the graphic for clarity).

A visual representation of the process flow within an RPC node, from client request to blockchain interaction and response.
Source: GoldRush 

Key functions of blockchain RPC nodes

Clients access RPC nodes to:

  1. Accept RPC calls from clients like dApps, crypto wallets, development tools, frameworks, and backend services. Then, perform requests like getting account balances, retrieving block information, reading smart contract data, and submitting transactions.

  2. Verify data by checking its local copy of the blockchain. They also run computations, manage request queues, and validate inputs and parameters.

  3. Return relevant information like account balances and history, block and transaction history details, as well as smart contract states. RPCs also provide transaction status updates and gas estimates.

  4. Enable smart contract interactions by reading contract states. RPCs also execute view functions, deploy new contracts, process contract transactions, and retrieve event logs. As a result, RPC nodes enable smart contract deployment, contract function calls, state queries, event monitoring, and analytics.

  5. Broadcast transactions by validating formats, checking validity, broadcasting to other network nodes, tracking transaction status, and returning confirmation details.
An infographic showing how RPC nodes enable communication between clients, blockchains, and smart contracts through RPC calls.

We've covered how RPC nodes work, so now it’s time to explore how developers use them.

Types of RPC endpoints and APIs

An RPC endpoint is the URL or address where applications send RPC requests to interact with the blockchain. Here’s an example URL of an RPC endpoint for a gateway to Ethereum: 

The endpoints accept specific Application Programming Interface (API) methods corresponding to different blockchain operations. These methods follow a standard format, making it easy for developers to build applications across different RPC providers. Standard Ethereum JSON-RPC API methods include:

  • eth_getBalance
  • eth_sendTransaction
  • eth_call
  • eth_getBlockByNumber
  • eth_getTransactionReceipt

However, understanding RPC methods is only half the story. Reliable blockchain applications must be able to handle the errors that can occur during RPC interactions.

Common RPC errors include:

  • RPC server is unavailable: Occurs when an RPC node is down or overloaded, typically during peak network congestion. It requires fallback RPC providers since it’s critical for application reliability.
  • Error: Invalid JSON-RPC request: can be caused by improperly structured API calls, wrong parameter types, missing fields, or incorrect method names. Usually it is a developer error.

  • Rate-limiting errors are common with free-tier services and happen when a user exceeds the RPC provider limits. They require either limiting the requests sent per unit of time or upgrading the service plan.

  • Timeout issues: These occur when long-running queries exceed time limits. Network congestion can also cause delays, which creates a need for retry mechanisms.

  • Connection problems caused by network connectivity issues. Typically, these require infrastructure-level solutions. 

With a good grasp of RPC endpoints and what they do, we can now explore the different types and providers. 

RPC endpoint types and providers

Public nodes provide free, open access to blockchain networks. Anyone can connect without authentication, making them ideal for testing and development. However, they often have strict rate limits and can be unreliable during high network congestion. 

Ethereum and other blockchain foundations maintain public nodes but they're not suitable for production applications.  

Providers: Chainstack, Ankr

Private RPC nodes are self-hosted RPC endpoints that organizations run for themselves. They offer complete control over infrastructure and configuration but require significant technical expertise and resources. Large crypto players like Coinbase and Binance run their own nodes to ensure service reliability. 

Managed RPC services handle all node operations, providing high availability and reliability. They offer multiple service tiers with different rate limits and features. These services abstract away infrastructure complexity and provide additional monitoring and analytics tools. They're popular among dApp developers and enterprises that need reliable blockchain access.

Providers: Infura, Alchemy, QuickNode

Dedicated (managed) RPC nodes are endpoints that give a single client exclusive access to resources. Unlike shared nodes, they offer guaranteed resources and higher rate limits. They're ideal for high-traffic applications that need consistent performance. These nodes provide better performance than shared services but cost more.

Providers: BlockDaemon, GetBlock

Archive RPC nodes maintain the complete record of the blockchain, allowing queries about any historical block state. They require a lot of storage and are essential for applications that analyze historical data. While expensive, an archive node is crucial for applications like blockchain explorers and analytics platforms.

Providers: QuickNode, Alchemy 

However, despite these options, some developers chose to run their own nodes. 

Running your own RPC node

Developers and Web3 teams that need complete control over configuration may consider running their own RPC node. Managing them requires enough storage space, adequate RAM, a reliable internet connection, lots of processing power, and regular maintenance.

There are the pros and cons to considering running an RPC node: 

Pros: complete control, no reliance on third parties, enhanced privacy, increased security, direct network access

Cons: hardware costs, necessary technical expertise, maintenance overhead, resource consumption, syncing time

Regardless of whether you choose to run your own or rely on a provider, your RPC node must be secure. 

Security considerations for blockchain RPC nodes

RPC nodes face unique security challenges because they:

  • Act as centralized points of access to decentralized networks
  • Handle sensitive blockchain operations
  • Process high volumes of requests
  • Maintain connection to multiple clients
  • Store API keys and credentials

However, their security needs depend on their operation mode—private or managed. 

Private RPC nodes

Operating a private RPC node requires securing the node itself and limiting access. Key measures include:

  • Firewalls and encryption to shield against unauthorized access.
  • Access control using API keys and authentication.
  • Regular updates and patches.
  • Resource management to monitor CPU, memory, and storage usage.

Managed RPC services

Managed services face broader challenges, from sophisticated attacks to multi-tenant vulnerabilities, including:

  1. Free contract execution attacks: Exploiting free eth_call operations to overload resources.
  2. Load balancing exploits: Targeting specific backend nodes with predictable traffic patterns.
  3. Resource exhaustion: Triggering operations that force resource-intensive tasks to completion.

Mitigation strategies

For private nodes: Apply strong access controls, monitor usage, and enforce resource limits.

For managed services: Introduce randomized request routing, require security deposits, and deploy anomaly detection. Make resource-heavy operations interruptible where feasible.

By addressing these challenges with targeted strategies, you can enhance the security and resilience of RPC nodes in any deployment scenario.


RPC (remote procedure call) nodes connect dApps with blockchains. They perform transactions, query data, and interact with smart contracts. 

Providers offer various RPC nodes, from free public to secure private ones. Running your own node gives you full control but requires technical expertise and resources. Solutions to improve architecture, implement smart protection systems, and make technical improvements aim to make RPC nodes more secure. 

Want to deepen your understanding? Jump into Cyfrin Updraft’s lesson to learn more about Alchemy's Supernode and how it works in practice.

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