There are several ways to return outputs from a function.
Public functions cannot accept certain data types as inputs or outputs
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
contract Function {
// Functions can return multiple values.
function returnMany() public pure returns (uint256, bool, uint256) {
return (1, true, 2);
// Return values can be named.
function named() public pure returns (uint256 x, bool b, uint256 y) {
return (1, true, 2);
// Return values can be assigned to their name.
// In this case the return statement can be omitted.
function assigned() public pure returns (uint256 x, bool b, uint256 y) {
x = 1;
b = true;
y = 2;
// Use destructuring assignment when calling another
// function that returns multiple values.
function destructuringAssignments()
returns (uint256, bool, uint256, uint256, uint256)
(uint256 i, bool b, uint256 j) = returnMany();
// Values can be left out.
(uint256 x,, uint256 y) = (4, 5, 6);
return (i, b, j, x, y);
// Cannot use map for either input or output
// Can use array for input
function arrayInput(uint256[] memory _arr) public {}
// Can use array for output
uint256[] public arr;
function arrayOutput() public view returns (uint256[] memory) {
return arr;
// Call function with key-value inputs
contract XYZ {
function someFuncWithManyInputs(
uint256 x,
uint256 y,
uint256 z,
address a,
bool b,
string memory c
) public pure returns (uint256) {}
function callFunc() external pure returns (uint256) {
return someFuncWithManyInputs(1, 2, 3, address(0), true, "c");
function callFuncWithKeyValue() external pure returns (uint256) {
return someFuncWithManyInputs({
a: address(0),
b: true,
c: "c",
x: 1,
y: 2,
z: 3