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What is an invariant?

An invariant is a condition, property, or relationship that remains consistently true during the entire execution of a system process or program. Invariants represent the fundamental rules and constraints that govern a system's behavior, ensuring its integrity and security.

Invariants act as checks within a system, verifying it operates as expected. They help prevent unexpected behavior and uphold the system's integrity by defining conditions that must always be met

Where and how are invariants used?

Invariants are used in fields as diverse as software development, mathematics, and blockchain. 

Software development

Invariants help maintain the integrity of algorithms, data structures, and system properties by setting the rules that determine accuracy and defining conditions that must remain valid throughout a program's lifecycle. For example, in a sorting algorithm, an invariant might verify that every element in a series is smaller than or equal to the next.


In mathematical proofs and equations, invariants represent properties that remain unchanged through transformations or operations. By defining invariants, mathematicians can demonstrate certain conditions hold steady throughout an entire process, regardless of the steps performed in a transformation or proof.

For instance, in geometry, an invariant like the sum of angles in a triangle (always 180°) remains unchanged regardless of the triangle’s size or shape. This allows mathematicians to rely on this invariant to develop and prove new concepts.


In the context of blockchain and smart contracts, invariants aid in confirming core system properties—token balances, transaction limits, or total token supply—so they remain aligned with the intended design, regardless of how a contract or protocol is used.

For example, an invariant can state the total number of tokens in circulation cannot exceed a predefined cap, such as Bitcoin's maximum supply of 21 million tokens.

Examples of invariants in smart contracts

Invariants act as the guardians of your smart contract's integrity. Let's explore some common invariants that keep web3 systems in check:

Token supply 

Invariant: Total token supply must never exceed a predetermined cap.

If a protocol is capped at a maximum supply of 1 million tokens, this invariant guarantees the token will never go over that amount.


Invariant: Only the legitimate owner can initiate transactions for an asset.

If a user attempts to transfer an asset they do not own, the smart contract will automatically reject the transaction.

Transaction ordering

Invariant: Transactions must be executed in a specific, predetermined sequence.

This invariant mandates a strict processing order for transactions, and prevents double spending to keep the state accurate.

Lottery winner

Invariant: Only one player can be chosen as the winner.

This invariant guarantees that a lottery smart contract does not declare multiple winners, even if several participants guess correctly. If multiple users select the winning number, the contract logic will enforce rules dictated by the invariant: it will either acknowledge the first valid entry or utilize a randomization method to choose a single winner. 

Withdrawal limit

Invariant: Users can only withdraw up to their current wallet balance.

This invariant ensures that users cannot withdraw more funds than they possess, blocking unauthorized withdrawals and maintaining protocol integrity.

How invariant help secure smart contracts

Invariants strengthen smart contracts by explicitly outlining the essential conditions that must consistently remain intact. By incorporating these invariants into testing and security frameworks, developers can validate and confirm the smart contracts behave as designed in all cases.

Invariants play a pivotal role in smart contract security, they help:

  1. Maintain the contract's state consistency, preventing unexpected or invalid state transitions.
  2. Identify potential vulnerabilities that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  3. Verify a contract's logic behaves correctly under all circumstances, including edge cases.

In testing environments, executing fuzz testing or property-based testing, invariants help developers verify smart contracts function correctly, even when exposed to random or unexpected inputs. 

By applying invariant testing throughout the development lifecycle, developers can significantly enhance the security, reliability, and correctness of smart contracts.

For a detailed guide on implementing invariant testing in your smart contract development process, check out our comprehensive guide on smart contract fuzzing and invariants testing with foundry.

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