Table of Contents
Reuse code with modules.
# pragma version ^0.4.0
# Pure function can easily be reused in importing module
def mul(x: uint256, y: uint256) -> uint256:
return x * y
# Not included in final code if not used by importing module
def div(x: uint256, y: uint256) -> uint256:
return x // y
# pragma version ^0.4.0
# Not export to importing module?
owner: public(address)
def __init__():
self.owner = msg.sender
def _check_owner():
assert self.owner == msg.sender
# Must be exported by importing module
def set_owner(owner: address):
self.owner = owner
# pragma version ^0.4.0
import auth
import math
# Need to call auth.__init__()
initializes: auth
# Exports auth.set_owner and auth.owner
exports: (auth.set_owner, auth.owner)
my_num: public(uint256)
def __init__():
# Example of calling auth._check_owner
def set_my_num(x: uint256):
self.my_num = x
# Example of reading auth.owner
def get_owner() -> address:
return auth.owner
# Example of importing and using a pure function
def my_func(x: uint256, y: uint256) -> uint256:
return math.mul(x, y)
# pragma version ^0.4.0
import auth
# This contract is not a valid contract. auth.__init__() must be called
# by a contract that imports and uses this contract
uses: auth
pending_owner: address
def __init__():
def begin_transfer(new_owner: address):
self.pending_owner = new_owner
def accept_transfer():
assert msg.sender == self.pending_owner
auth.owner = msg.sender
self.pending_owner = empty(address)
# pragma version ^0.4.0
import auth
import auth_2_step
initializes: auth
# auth is dependency of auth_2_step
initializes: auth_2_step[auth := auth]
# export all external functions
exports: auth_2_step.__interface__
def __init__():