is a low level function. It is used to call and send Ether to other functions.
For this example, we will write a contract that calls this contract below.
# pragma version ^0.4.0
sender: public(address)
def test_add(x: uint256, y: uint256) -> uint256:
self.sender = msg.sender
return x + y
def test_sub(x: uint256, y: uint256) -> uint256:
self.sender = msg.sender
return x - y
# pragma version ^0.4.0
def test_raw_call(to: address, x: uint256, y: uint256):
res: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
to, # address to call
# data to send in Bytes
method_id("test_add(uint256,uint256)"), # function to call
convert(x, bytes32), # first input
convert(y, bytes32), # secode input
max_outsize=32, # max size of ouput, default 0
gas=100000, # optional, amount of gas to send, default forwards all gas
value=0, # optional, amount of ETH to send, default 0
z: uint256 = convert(res, uint256)
def send_eth(to: address):
# Example to send ETH
# data = b"", empty data
# value = msg.value, all of ETH that was sent to this function
raw_call(to, b"", value=msg.value)
diff: public(uint256)
def test_raw_call_sub(to: address, x: uint256, y: uint256):
res: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
convert(x, bytes32),
convert(y, bytes32)
self.diff = convert(res, uint256)