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Reentrancy Lock (Vyper Code Example)

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Vyper has a handy way to secure your contract from reentrancy.

A reentrancy lock can be created on a function with @nonreentrant.

Example Vyper contract with reentrancy lock

# pragma version ^0.4.0

def func():
    raw_call(msg.sender, b"", value=0)

Example Vyper contract without reentrancy lock

# pragma version ^0.4.0

interface ILock:
    def func(): nonpayable

count: public(uint256)

def __default__():
    if self.count < 2:
        self.count += 1
        extcall ILock(msg.sender).func()

def reset():
    self.count = 0

def test_lock(to: address):
    extcall ILock(to).func()

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