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Stable Swap AMM (Solidity Code Example)

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Simplified version of Curve's stable swap AMM.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;

Invariant - price of trade and amount of liquidity are determined by this equation

An^n sum(x_i) + D = ADn^n + D^(n + 1) / (n^n prod(x_i))

0. Newton's method x_(n + 1) = x_n - f(x_n) / f'(x_n)
1. Invariant
2. Swap
   - Calculate Y
   - Calculate D
3. Get virtual price
4. Add liquidity
   - Imbalance fee
5. Remove liquidity
6. Remove liquidity one token
   - Calculate withdraw one token
   - getYD
TODO: test?

library Math {
    function abs(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return x >= y ? x - y : y - x;

contract StableSwap {
    // Number of tokens
    uint256 private constant N = 3;
    // Amplification coefficient multiplied by N^(N - 1)
    // Higher value makes the curve more flat
    // Lower value makes the curve more like constant product AMM
    uint256 private constant A = 1000 * (N ** (N - 1));
    // 0.03%
    uint256 private constant SWAP_FEE = 300;
    // Liquidity fee is derived from 2 constraints
    // 1. Fee is 0 for adding / removing liquidity that results in a balanced pool
    // 2. Swapping in a balanced pool is like adding and then removing liquidity
    //    from a balanced pool
    // swap fee = add liquidity fee + remove liquidity fee
    uint256 private constant LIQUIDITY_FEE = (SWAP_FEE * N) / (4 * (N - 1));
    uint256 private constant FEE_DENOMINATOR = 1e6;

    address[N] public tokens;
    // Normalize each token to 18 decimals
    // Example - DAI (18 decimals), USDC (6 decimals), USDT (6 decimals)
    uint256[N] private multipliers = [1, 1e12, 1e12];
    uint256[N] public balances;

    // 1 share = 1e18, 18 decimals
    uint256 private constant DECIMALS = 18;
    uint256 public totalSupply;
    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;

    constructor(address[N] memory _tokens) {
        tokens = _tokens;

    function _mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) private {
        balanceOf[_to] += _amount;
        totalSupply += _amount;

    function _burn(address _from, uint256 _amount) private {
        balanceOf[_from] -= _amount;
        totalSupply -= _amount;

    // Return precision-adjusted balances, adjusted to 18 decimals
    function _xp() private view returns (uint256[N] memory xp) {
        for (uint256 i; i < N; ++i) {
            xp[i] = balances[i] * multipliers[i];

     * @notice Calculate D, sum of balances in a perfectly balanced pool
     * If balances of x_0, x_1, ... x_(n-1) then sum(x_i) = D
     * @param xp Precision-adjusted balances
     * @return D
    function _getD(uint256[N] memory xp) private pure returns (uint256) {
        Newton's method to compute D
        f(D) = ADn^n + D^(n + 1) / (n^n prod(x_i)) - An^n sum(x_i) - D 
        f'(D) = An^n + (n + 1) D^n / (n^n prod(x_i)) - 1

                     (as + np)D_n
        D_(n+1) = -----------------------
                  (a - 1)D_n + (n + 1)p

        a = An^n
        s = sum(x_i)
        p = (D_n)^(n + 1) / (n^n prod(x_i))
        uint256 a = A * N; // An^n

        uint256 s; // x_0 + x_1 + ... + x_(n-1)
        for (uint256 i; i < N; ++i) {
            s += xp[i];

        // Newton's method
        // Initial guess, d <= s
        uint256 d = s;
        uint256 d_prev;
        for (uint256 i; i < 255; ++i) {
            // p = D^(n + 1) / (n^n * x_0 * ... * x_(n-1))
            uint256 p = d;
            for (uint256 j; j < N; ++j) {
                p = (p * d) / (N * xp[j]);
            d_prev = d;
            d = ((a * s + N * p) * d) / ((a - 1) * d + (N + 1) * p);

            if (Math.abs(d, d_prev) <= 1) {
                return d;
        revert("D didn't converge");

     * @notice Calculate the new balance of token j given the new balance of token i
     * @param i Index of token in
     * @param j Index of token out
     * @param x New balance of token i
     * @param xp Current precision-adjusted balances
    function _getY(uint256 i, uint256 j, uint256 x, uint256[N] memory xp)
        returns (uint256)
        Newton's method to compute y
        y = x_j

        f(y) = y^2 + y(b - D) - c

                    y_n^2 + c
        y_(n+1) = --------------
                   2y_n + b - D

        s = sum(x_k), k != j
        p = prod(x_k), k != j
        b = s + D / (An^n)
        c = D^(n + 1) / (n^n * p * An^n)
        uint256 a = A * N;
        uint256 d = _getD(xp);
        uint256 s;
        uint256 c = d;

        uint256 _x;
        for (uint256 k; k < N; ++k) {
            if (k == i) {
                _x = x;
            } else if (k == j) {
            } else {
                _x = xp[k];

            s += _x;
            c = (c * d) / (N * _x);
        c = (c * d) / (N * a);
        uint256 b = s + d / a;

        // Newton's method
        uint256 y_prev;
        // Initial guess, y <= d
        uint256 y = d;
        for (uint256 _i; _i < 255; ++_i) {
            y_prev = y;
            y = (y * y + c) / (2 * y + b - d);
            if (Math.abs(y, y_prev) <= 1) {
                return y;
        revert("y didn't converge");

     * @notice Calculate the new balance of token i given precision-adjusted
     * balances xp and liquidity d
     * @dev Equation is calculate y is same as _getY
     * @param i Index of token to calculate the new balance
     * @param xp Precision-adjusted balances
     * @param d Liquidity d
     * @return New balance of token i
    function _getYD(uint256 i, uint256[N] memory xp, uint256 d)
        returns (uint256)
        uint256 a = A * N;
        uint256 s;
        uint256 c = d;

        uint256 _x;
        for (uint256 k; k < N; ++k) {
            if (k != i) {
                _x = xp[k];
            } else {

            s += _x;
            c = (c * d) / (N * _x);
        c = (c * d) / (N * a);
        uint256 b = s + d / a;

        // Newton's method
        uint256 y_prev;
        // Initial guess, y <= d
        uint256 y = d;
        for (uint256 _i; _i < 255; ++_i) {
            y_prev = y;
            y = (y * y + c) / (2 * y + b - d);
            if (Math.abs(y, y_prev) <= 1) {
                return y;
        revert("y didn't converge");

    // Estimate value of 1 share
    // How many tokens is one share worth?
    function getVirtualPrice() external view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 d = _getD(_xp());
        uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;
        if (_totalSupply > 0) {
            return (d * 10 ** DECIMALS) / _totalSupply;
        return 0;

     * @notice Swap dx amount of token i for token j
     * @param i Index of token in
     * @param j Index of token out
     * @param dx Token in amount
     * @param minDy Minimum token out
    function swap(uint256 i, uint256 j, uint256 dx, uint256 minDy)
        returns (uint256 dy)
        require(i != j, "i = j");

        IERC20(tokens[i]).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), dx);

        // Calculate dy
        uint256[N] memory xp = _xp();
        uint256 x = xp[i] + dx * multipliers[i];

        uint256 y0 = xp[j];
        uint256 y1 = _getY(i, j, x, xp);
        // y0 must be >= y1, since x has increased
        // -1 to round down
        dy = (y0 - y1 - 1) / multipliers[j];

        // Subtract fee from dy
        uint256 fee = (dy * SWAP_FEE) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;
        dy -= fee;
        require(dy >= minDy, "dy < min");

        balances[i] += dx;
        balances[j] -= dy;

        IERC20(tokens[j]).transfer(msg.sender, dy);

    function addLiquidity(uint256[N] calldata amounts, uint256 minShares)
        returns (uint256 shares)
        // calculate current liquidity d0
        uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;
        uint256 d0;
        uint256[N] memory old_xs = _xp();
        if (_totalSupply > 0) {
            d0 = _getD(old_xs);

        // Transfer tokens in
        uint256[N] memory new_xs;
        for (uint256 i; i < N; ++i) {
            uint256 amount = amounts[i];
            if (amount > 0) {
                    msg.sender, address(this), amount
                new_xs[i] = old_xs[i] + amount * multipliers[i];
            } else {
                new_xs[i] = old_xs[i];

        // Calculate new liquidity d1
        uint256 d1 = _getD(new_xs);
        require(d1 > d0, "liquidity didn't increase");

        // Reccalcuate D accounting for fee on imbalance
        uint256 d2;
        if (_totalSupply > 0) {
            for (uint256 i; i < N; ++i) {
                // TODO: why old_xs[i] * d1 / d0? why not d1 / N?
                uint256 idealBalance = (old_xs[i] * d1) / d0;
                uint256 diff = Math.abs(new_xs[i], idealBalance);
                new_xs[i] -= (LIQUIDITY_FEE * diff) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;

            d2 = _getD(new_xs);
        } else {
            d2 = d1;

        // Update balances
        for (uint256 i; i < N; ++i) {
            balances[i] += amounts[i];

        // Shares to mint = (d2 - d0) / d0 * total supply
        // d1 >= d2 >= d0
        if (_totalSupply > 0) {
            shares = ((d2 - d0) * _totalSupply) / d0;
        } else {
            shares = d2;
        require(shares >= minShares, "shares < min");
        _mint(msg.sender, shares);

    function removeLiquidity(uint256 shares, uint256[N] calldata minAmountsOut)
        returns (uint256[N] memory amountsOut)
        uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;

        for (uint256 i; i < N; ++i) {
            uint256 amountOut = (balances[i] * shares) / _totalSupply;
            require(amountOut >= minAmountsOut[i], "out < min");

            balances[i] -= amountOut;
            amountsOut[i] = amountOut;

            IERC20(tokens[i]).transfer(msg.sender, amountOut);

        _burn(msg.sender, shares);

     * @notice Calculate amount of token i to receive for shares
     * @param shares Shares to burn
     * @param i Index of token to withdraw
     * @return dy Amount of token i to receive
     *         fee Fee for withdraw. Fee already included in dy
    function _calcWithdrawOneToken(uint256 shares, uint256 i)
        returns (uint256 dy, uint256 fee)
        uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;
        uint256[N] memory xp = _xp();

        // Calculate d0 and d1
        uint256 d0 = _getD(xp);
        uint256 d1 = d0 - (d0 * shares) / _totalSupply;

        // Calculate reduction in y if D = d1
        uint256 y0 = _getYD(i, xp, d1);
        // d1 <= d0 so y must be <= xp[i]
        uint256 dy0 = (xp[i] - y0) / multipliers[i];

        // Calculate imbalance fee, update xp with fees
        uint256 dx;
        for (uint256 j; j < N; ++j) {
            if (j == i) {
                dx = (xp[j] * d1) / d0 - y0;
            } else {
                // d1 / d0 <= 1
                dx = xp[j] - (xp[j] * d1) / d0;
            xp[j] -= (LIQUIDITY_FEE * dx) / FEE_DENOMINATOR;

        // Recalculate y with xp including imbalance fees
        uint256 y1 = _getYD(i, xp, d1);
        // - 1 to round down
        dy = (xp[i] - y1 - 1) / multipliers[i];
        fee = dy0 - dy;

    function calcWithdrawOneToken(uint256 shares, uint256 i)
        returns (uint256 dy, uint256 fee)
        return _calcWithdrawOneToken(shares, i);

     * @notice Withdraw liquidity in token i
     * @param shares Shares to burn
     * @param i Token to withdraw
     * @param minAmountOut Minimum amount of token i that must be withdrawn
    function removeLiquidityOneToken(
        uint256 shares,
        uint256 i,
        uint256 minAmountOut
    ) external returns (uint256 amountOut) {
        (amountOut,) = _calcWithdrawOneToken(shares, i);
        require(amountOut >= minAmountOut, "out < min");

        balances[i] -= amountOut;
        _burn(msg.sender, shares);

        IERC20(tokens[i]).transfer(msg.sender, amountOut);

interface IERC20 {
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount)
        returns (bool);
    function allowance(address owner, address spender)
        returns (uint256);
    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount)
        returns (bool);

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