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Written by
Bianca Buzea
Published on
October 9, 2024
Success Stories

From Mega-Cap To Web3 DevRel


Bianca Buzea is the DevRel Lead at Chronicle Protocol and the founder of DevRel Uni. Her path to Cyfrin Updraft and smart contract development began in 2017 after discovering the potential of blockchain technology then accelerated following inspiration at ETHDenver 2022.

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My journey to DevRel Lead and Founder

I’ve been a web3 DevRel for three years. My journey is relatively “traditional" in the sense that my background is technical. I studied Computer Science in the UK and worked as a Solutions Architect at AWS. 

In 2017 I discovered blockchain and was inspired by the technology. I immediately knew it was where I wanted to be, and I’ve started to get involved in the web3 space.

Joining the world of smart contracts and protocol development with a technical background makes the transition smoother, but you still need to put in the work. Interestingly, the role of a Solutions Architect is very similar to that of a DevRel. The main difference is that as a Solutions Architect, you usually work with specific customers, whereas as a DevRel, your role is community-oriented; you educate the whole developer community

I took the leap into the industry full-time in 2022. I was so energized and motivated after ETHDenver that I finally made the transition. Coincidentally, that’s when I first met Patrick Collins (Cyfrin Updraft’s lead instructor), too!

How I learned smart contract development

Patrick is how I originally discovered Cyfrin Updraft. The courses are extremely helpful in developing the skills necessary to work in web3

On a more functional level, Updraft’s course format is really nice. Lessons are divided into short clips with plenty of useful development tips, exercises, and examples to aid the learning. 

I began with Solidity and then moved into more advanced smart contract development concepts. 

I especially enjoyed the whole curriculum on Foundry (Fundamentals and Advanced). I’d primarily used Hardhat before but, after the Updraft course, fully transitioned to Foundry. The course not only helped me develop the capability to use it, it also helped me understand how much more powerful it is.

Cyfrin Updraft has impacted not only my learning and career but also those of the students at DevRel Uni. One example I find powerful is the story of Insha, who began learning about web3 on Updraft after attending Patrick’s session and discovering the platform. She’s since gone on to create a lot of her own web3 educational content and inspired others with her journey.

If you’re interested in joining us changing the world

The key to success in web3 is consistency and continuous learning. The industry is extremely fast-paced, and you must constantly build and maintain your skills. Cyfrin Updraft is great because the courses are always refreshed with the latest, most up-to-date development techniques, tooling, frameworks, and technology. 

If you are just getting started learn the foundationsSolidity smart contract development and Foundry, then start building projects and creating a portfolio to secure your first role. 

Beyond Updraft, explore examples from different protocols’ documentation poratls. They’re a great place to learn about the different technologies and how they are implemented. 

Also, talk to people! I’ve learned a lot from our internal teams but you can find communities everywhere. For example, conferences and events play an outsized role in web3. You can meet really smart people and discover the latest developments, and the latest use cases.

Also, attend hackathons. You get to see an idea come to life in a very short amount of time. It’s really fascinating and you’ll learn a lot. Sometimes those ideas even find their way into protocols! 

Are you ready to take the leap?

Be curious, stay open-minded, ask questions. Learn the foundations on Cyfrin Updraft then branch out to other industry resources. Talk to as many people as possible. Find your inspiration

Once you’re in web3, you’ll find thousands of wonderful people open to supporting and helping you on your journey. Travel, meet builders, and start creating the world you want to live in.

If you’re interested in following my journey, follow me on Twitter/X at @buzea200 or on LinkedIn.

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